A little about me

Hi, I’m Joana!

Raised in London, I dreamt about working remotely and escaping the grey. Since moving into the tech world 5 years ago, I’ve worked from Bali, Thailand and Portugal. My life in the last few years has revolved around my passion for fitness - running marathons, training Muay Thai for 6 months in Thailand and now a consistent gym-goer. I’m also passionate about content creating, photography and marketing.


Senior UI/UX/Product Designer @ Noah

Jul 2021 - Present

Senior UI/UX Designer & Front-end Developer @ Everledger

Jan 2018 - Jul 2018

Front-end Developer Intern @ Everledger

Sep 2017 - Dec 2017

Product Marketing Intern @ Expend

Sep 2017 - Dec 2017

Download full resume

My values

💛 Passion is everything

My passion for what I do gives me the drive and initiative to devote my heart to the things I believe in. To brighten the world, I strive for boundless creativity and to join forces with other passionate individuals.

📒 Never stop learning

To develop myself, I always look for challenges, such as collaborating on projects, reading blogs, and looking for other designers to learn from others and give back through sharing my experiences with aspiring UX designers.

🟡 Take as few shortcuts as possible

I believe that shortcuts result in some sort of debt later on down the line. When possible, do things properly and pay attention to the details from the start. Maintain a high standard, but be able to balance that with quick iterations so as not to get stuck.

🌟 Be human

Embrace empathy and kindness, and learn from each other's perspectives. Build an inclusive and respectful culture, and remain true to yourself and others.